Prayer is Not The Answer – Dele Olawanle


A Pedestrianised Life

“They all taught me that God is good and powerful. That prayer is good and does what God can do. They told me that I should take everything to God in prayer. Elijah prayed and God answered him. Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer.

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A Pedestrianised Life

“They all taught me that God is good and powerful. That prayer is good and does what God can do. They told me that I should take everything to God in prayer. Elijah prayed and God answered him. Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer.

Prayer they said is the answer. If I pray God will give me a wife. If I pray God will give me a husband. If I pray God will give me a child. If I pray God will bless my life. If I pray God will make me great. If I pray God will protect me. They did not teach me that God neither slumbers nor sleeps. They did not teach me that God is a workaholic. They did not teach me that Jesus worked like his father. I was ignorant and I started blaming God for my failures.

I blamed God for not answering my prayers. I was not taught that God will not do what I should do. I was not taught that prayer is not always the answer. I discovered later in life that any man or woman, Who does not do what they are supposed to do in life but relies only on prayer will live a pedestriansed life” (Copyright: Dele Olawanle)


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